Sr. #
1 |
Journal of Air Transport Management |
2 |
Journal of Aircraft |
3 |
Journal of Airport Management |
4 |
International Journal of Aviation Management |
5 |
Journal of Air Transportation |
6 |
Communications of the ACM |
7 |
Computer Arts
8 |
Defence Journal |
9 |
Fast-NU Research Journal |
10 |
Harvard Business Review |
11 |
Industrial Advisory Report |
12 |
Journal of Management and Research |
13 |
Linux User & Developer |
14 |
Maximum Pc |
15 |
MIT Technology Review |
16 |
National Geographic |
16 |
Pakistan and Gulf Economist |
17 |
Pakistan Journal of Educational Research & Evaluation |
18 |
Photoshop Creative |
19 |
Proceedings of the Pakistan Academy of sciences |
20 |
Reader 's Digest |
21 |
Scientific Amercian |
22 |
South Asian Journal of Management & Administrative Sciences |
23 |
Techno BIZ |
24 |
The Economist |
25 |
Time |
26 |
Web Designer |
27 |
Windows Help & Advice |
28 |
Writer's Digest |