National Journals

National E-Journals (Education)

Journal of Elementary Education (JEE) is the official journal of Department of Elementary Education, Institute of Education and Research (IER) published since 1992. This department was first established as Department of Primary Education in 1960 and as Department of Elementary Education in 1988. The JEE publishes peer reviewed empirical research, in the field of Elementary Education. All articles/contributions submitted to the JEE are blind reviewed by a panel of reviewers. It is published biannually (first in June and second in December). The beneficiaries of this journal may be the educators, teacher educators, educational researchers, policy makers, educational administrators, managers, supervisors, institutional heads, educational leaders, educational planners, higher education learners and practitioners working in the field of education. The authors are the sole responsible not only for their point of view reflected in research/papers but also for any type of plagiarism in their paper published in the JEE.


From The Institute of Education and Research (IER) is a pioneer Institute of Teacher Education in the country, established in 1960 in collaboration with School of Education, Indiana University USA. The institute is publishing Bulletin of Education and Research (BER) since 1961. It was initiated by the American Faculty from Indiana University and its first editor was Dr. John Hanitchak. The frequency of the Journal is thrice a year, first in April, second in August and third in December. In the BER we publish scholarly essays, reviews, critiques, theoretical and conceptual articles and original research articles that contribute to understanding issues, problems, and research concerning all aspects of education. The first issue of the journal was published in 1961.

PJERE is an open-access, blind peer reviewed journal that intends to provide free online access to refereed articles related to research, theory, practice, pedagogy, assessment and program evaluation in the field of education and allied disciplines. Pakistan Journal of Educational Research and Evaluation (PJERE) is a high quality open access peer reviewed research journal that is published by the Department of Educational Research and Evaluation, Institute of Education and Research, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan.

The aim of the Research journal is to promote research activities and provide original, relevant and timely information in different fields of distance education and e learning education. It will focus on the use of latest media/ technologies in distance learning and implementation and integration of new technologies in distance teaching learning. The journal is available to all practitioners and researchers who are interested in publishing their research work in Distance Education and E-Learning.

The Journal of Research and Reflections in Education (JRRE) a refereed interdisciplinary journal publishes articles relating to education covering a wide range of areas relating to (a) social, natural and life sciences, and (b) arts, culture and philosophy. The article may focus on any aspect of education relationships in the following range of setting:

  • Articles related in empirical research
  • Articles rooted in rational reflective analysis leading to logical point of view
  • Articles focusing policy and practices in education
  • Book reviews

Pakistan Journal of Educational Research (PJER) is a double blind peer-reviewed, open access, bi-annual research journal and is published by Society for Social Sciences and Research Association. It was established in the year 2018. The Journal is presently recognized by the Higher Education Commission (HEC) of Pakistan in "Y" Category. Pakistan Journal of Educational Research (PJER) aims to be the principal medium for dissemination of research in all aspects of education. The journal will be of primary interest to anyone involved in educational research and will offer many insights to the scholars and researchers.

The Journal of Education and Educational Development is a double-blind peer reviewed journal designed as an outlet for research in Education and Educational Development. JoEED is committed to promoting the distribution of important scholarly work at all levels. The journal has a broad scope and publishes qualitative and quantitative research studies along with discussions, which helps readers and researchers to grasp the understanding of the new and old paradigms in education. In addition to submissions from faculty/researchers, students at the graduate and MPhil level, PhD scholars are also encouraged to submit their work, whether it is the product of coursework, a student thesis, an independent study, or a directed research project.

PJSEL is multi-disciplinary journal following a double-blind peer-reviewed policy and the journal is freely available online as well as in print form. The aim of the journal (PJSEL) is to publish research articles that contribute significantly to the body of knowledge. It publishes both theoretical and empirical articles and case studies relating to social sciences including (Sociology, Anthropology, Psychology, Political sciences etc), Education and English Language and Literature. Preference is given to empirical contributions, empirical research, however; book(s) reviews and theoretical papers of immense importance / relevance for social scientists, educationists and linguists are also published.


Journal of Education & Social Sciences (JESS) is an open access blind peer-reviewed, bi-annual research journal freely available online. The purpose of this Journal is to publish quality research work in the disciplines of Education and Social Sciences defined in the classical sense, that is in the social sciences, the humanities, and the natural sciences. The research that is published may take a theoretical or speculative model as well as statistical and mathematical. Contributions are welcome from all fields which have relevant and insightful comments to make about the social sciences.

Journal of Educational research is HEC recognized journal. It is published twice a year in June and December. The primary aim of the journal is to encourage and coordinate research in all areas of education. The articles may focus on any aspect of education as:

  • Reports of original educational research
  • Reviews of recent research in all areas
  • Conceptual articles in Research
  • Articles focusing policy and practice

Pakistan Journal of Education is a biannual publication of Faculty of Education, Allama Iqbal Open University Islamabad, published since 1984. Articles published in the journal are selected on the basis of quality. Pakistan Journal of Education welcomes theoretical and empirical original research papers, case studies, review papers, book reviews. PJE is an open access peer reviewed research journal which provides a platform for the researchers, academicians, professional, practitioners and students to impart and share knowledge in the form of high quality empirical and theoretical research papers, case studies, literature reviews and book reviews. Views expressed in the journal are those of authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Pakistan Journal of Education.

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