Journal of Elementary Education (JEE) is the official journal of Department of Elementary Education, Institute of Education and Research (IER) published since 1992. This department was first established as Department of Primary Education in 1960 and as Department of Elementary Education in 1988. The JEE publishes peer reviewed empirical research, in the field of Elementary Education. All articles/contributions submitted to the JEE are blind reviewed by a panel of reviewers. It is published biannually (first in June and second in December). The beneficiaries of this journal may be the educators, teacher educators, educational researchers, policy makers, educational administrators, managers, supervisors, institutional heads, educational leaders, educational planners, higher education learners and practitioners working in the field of education. The authors are the sole responsible not only for their point of view reflected in research/papers but also for any type of plagiarism in their paper published in the JEE.