LRC Resources

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LRC accumulates books and other learning resources of an excellent quality to fulfill learners’ intellectual curiosity, demands of their curriculum and provides access to information that can be utilized in all spheres of academic as well as professional lives of its users/patrons. The aim is to foster lifelong learning, cherish innovation and creativity, promote knowledge generation and improve the decision making process. The library has more than 138000 books including personal collections of many reputed scholars, required readings and other learning materials on various academic disciplines and matters of general interest.
  General Collection
The general collection comprises approximately 80000 circulating titles. It serves a wide range of interest shown by our patrons in various fields complementary to their academic and research interests.
  Reference Collection
LRC maintains a comprehensive collection of reference material which includes both general reference material and subject related reference material. It also incorporates basic research tools such as dictionaries, encyclopedias, handbooks, almanacs and bibliographies on several topics and subjects as well as the directories of associations, reports and demographic data. 
  Theses and Projects
The library acts as the repository for research conducted at UMT and maintains a large collection of theses, dissertations and projects produced by UMT graduates as part of their respective degree programs. It also stores theses, dissertation and projects published by other distinguished institutions of higher learning.
  Text Book Collection
There are a small number of copies of textbooks prescribed by UMT faculty to their students available in the library. They are usually reserved and their borrowing time is limited. As a matter of course, the textbooks are consulted within the library which also contains read-outs and photocopies of newspapers and journal articles recommended as course readings.
  Urdu Collection
The library maintains a separate collection of books published in the Urdu language. This collection comprises Urdu literature, Seerat-un-Nabi [PBUH], Islamic philosophy, theology, and translations of the Holy Qur’an.
  Research Publications
The collection ‘Research Publications’ is made up of research materials heavily used by our patrons in their research. Research reports based on industry analysis, working papers, term papers and small size publications are apart of this collection. The repository of resources in this section is replenished on a regular basis to provide access to a wide range of up-to-date research material. Indeed, long term strategies are designed to ascertain how a significant amount of data can be collected and preserved.
  Periodicals (Current/Archive)
The library subscribes to all major Pakistani newspapers (English and Urdu) and about 150 national and international journals/magazines. Periodicals are arranged subject wise in an alphabetical order. Previous volumes and issues are available in the archive section. The latest issues of newspapers are displayed on the newspaper stand while the previous issues are housed in the newspaper archive section.
  Pakistan Foundation London Collection
The library plays a pivotal role in harnessing the academic, intellectual, cultural and social aspects of knowledge by offering a broad range of public awareness programs and vigorously engaging people from all walks of life. Noteworthy individuals and esteemed organizations are also invited to support the dignified cause of knowledge dissemination in a variety of ways, including philanthropy, sponsorship and volunteer work. An illustration of this collaborative approach is the collection of more than 5000 books donated by Pakistan Foundation London (PFL), a UK based charity organization committed to the noble cause of promoting education. This collection covers a diverse range of disciplines such as psychology, political science, economics, management, leadership, home-economics, sports, arts, English literature, autobiographies, etc. PFL collection contains certain rare books with publication dates varying between 1890s and1960s.


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