The world renowned scholars donate their personal collections to UMT Learning Resource Center.
These are the resources which will not only be serving the UMT community but also to the learning/research community, and the society as a whole. We diligently ensure that said collection will benefit the present and future generations. We would make every effort possible to maximize the impact of these resources with careful planning and sensible utilization.
Khalid Humayun Collection
Prof. Khalid Humayun, eminent Scholar and columnist, has established his lasting legacy with UMT Library by donating his personal collection of books. The numeric strength of books ranges above 10,000. It comprises of very useful stuff spanning a broad range of topics from social science to linguistic material such as Punjabi and Persian literature, from historical books to modern text. Some titles are even unique to this collection.
Abdul Rashid Arshad Collection
Library is honored to have housed the collection donated by renowned religious scholar Abdur Rashid Arshad. The collection showcases Islamic literature and writing and fulfills learners’ thrust for knowledge and intellectual curiosity. These titles help inculcate the sense of spirit of working together to redeem the glory of Islam among Muslim Ummah.
Ghazi Collection
The collection represent years of carefully collected books, comprising experimental and theoretical learning. The titles are helpful in promoting and disseminating the study and understanding of Islamic philosophy and prove to be equally beneficial for both intrinsic and extrinsic values of Islamic culture in contrast to other civilizations.
Aarfeen Lodhi Collection
Aarfeen Lodhi, Pakistani-American, working as professor in American University has made a tremendous donations of large collection of books, the collection is of immense value for the study of physics and constitutes the most valuable holdings of archival interest. The titles are numbered at close to 1000. The set of books formed the nucleus of the physics collection in the library.
Aftab Mufti Collection
The collection centers on Socialist Movements and consists of 900+ individual titles. Included in the collection are books on broader knowledge of the contemporary and ancient times. It is donated by the family of, a Gujrat-based renowned journalist, late Aftab Mufti.
Muhammad Salik Collection

Maryam Jameelah Collection
Maryam Jameelah was an American-Pakistani author of over thirty books on Islamic culture and history and a female voice for conservative Islam, known for her writings about the West. She was deeply critical of secularism, materialism and modernization, both in Western society, as well as in Islam. She regarded traditions such as veiling, polygamy, and gender segregation (purdah) to be ordained by the Quran and by the words of Muhammad (PBUH).
In 2018, UMT library was honored by her heirs as the custodian of her library – a rich collection of over 2000 publications that include books, manuscripts, letters, magazines, post cards, etc. Being religion oriented this rich collection is a great source for common readers in general and particularly for the scholars studying comparative religions.